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Adobo Chicken

Chicken Adobo

Chicken pieces cooked in soy sauce and vinegar with garlic. This is a delicious Filipino chicken dish that you can eat for lunch with warm white rice.

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Category: Main Dish Poultry
Cuisine Type Asian


For 4 Serving(s)


2 pounds Chicken (thighs, whole legs are okay too)
3 pieces Bay leaves (fresh or dry, this is essential)
6 tbsp light Soy Sauce
4 tbsp white vinegar
5 cloves garlic
1 1/2 cups water
3 tbsp Oil
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp Fish Sauce
1 tsp whole peppercorns

Adobo Chicken Directions

  1. Combine chicken, soy sauce, and garlic in a large bowl. Mix well. Marinate the chicken for at least 1 hour. Note: the longer the time, the better (up to 1 day)
  2. Heat a large pan, heavy pot or wok, one hot add cooking oil (if using non stick add oil while heating). Oil should be starting to smoke. Fry the marinated chicken for 2 minutes per side.
  3. Pour-in the remaining marinade, including garlic. Add water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low.
  4. Add dried bay leaves and whole peppercorn. Cook for 30 minutes.
  5. Add vinegar. Stir and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Put-in the sugar, and salt. Stir and turn the heat off.
  7. Serve hot. Share and Enjoy!

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